Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Cheat Dragon City Money, Habitat and Farm

This cheat change your Dragon City habitat, money and farm to infinite!
This method needs cheat engine. If you don't have one go to the official website here: cheatengine.org and download.

Dragon City Habitat Cheats

  1. Play Dragon City on facebook
  2. Open your cheat engine
  3. Click mini computer icon to "Select a process to open"
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe if you use firefox or chrome.exe if you use google chrome (under rundll32.exe)
  5. Change Value Type from 4 byte to Text
  6. Scan " HABITAT "
  7. change to: infinite
  8. Visit your friend then back to your city and build Habitat as many you want.

Dragon City Money Cheats

  1. Play Dragon City on facebook
  2. Open your cheat engine
  3. Click mini computer icon to "Select a process to open"
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe if you use firefox or chrome.exe if you use google chrome (under rundll32.exe)
  5. Change Value Type from 4 byte to Text
  6. Scan " eggs "
  7. change to: infinite
  8. Visit your friend then come back to your city and build Habitat as many you want.
  9. Visit the breeding mountain and bread Coral Dragons

Combination Plant and Water Cheat

  1. Change the Value Type to Double
  2. scan 1800 (Equivalent to 30 minutes)
    1. 1h=3600
    2. 1h30m=5400
    3. 2h=7200
    4. 3h=10800
    5. 4h=14400
    6. 5h=18000
    7. 6h=21600
    8. 7h=25200
    9. 8h=28800
    10. 9h=32400
    11. 10h=36000
    12. 11h=39600
    13. 12h=43200
  3. Note: If the Hatchery say full! visit friend and come back again to your city. Wait 12h for hatch the egg and sell Coral Dragon for250,000 Gold!
Tip! If you hatch 20 Coral Dragons you will earn 5,000,000 Gold!

Dragon City Unlimited Farm Cheats

  1. Play Dragon City on facebook
  2. Open your cheat engine
  3. Click mini computer icon to "Select a process to open"
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe if you use firefox or chrome.exe if you use google chrome (under rundll32.exe)
  5. Change Value Type from 4 byte to Text
  6. Scan " FARM "
  7. change to: infinite
  8. Visit your friend then come back to your city and build Habitat as many you want.
Read more Cheats for Dragon City: Dragon City Hatchery Cheats

Dragon City Game Description

Dragon City is a new exciting game where you breed your own dragons and create a fantastic world of magical islands! You can also combat against your friends with you team of dragons! Join the fairytale fun and hatch a dragon egg!
Post your comments below if you have any question about the cheat

Jumat, 21 September 2012


Flow (stylized as FLOW) is a Japanese rock band, that formed in 1998 and signed on to Sony Music Japan's Ki/oon Records label. Flow is a five-piece band made up of two vocalists, a drummer, a bassist and a guitarist. As of May 2010, the band has released twenty singles and seven albums.

The group's base was created in 1993 when brothers Kōshi (elder: vocals) and Take (younger: guitar) began playing together. They formed Flow in 1998, and were eventually joined by Keigo (vocals), Gotō (bass) and Iwasaki (drums; joined in 2000). In 2001, the band released its first maxi single, "Flow #0". The group then released two mini-albums within the same year, both of which took nationwide indie charts by storm. "Okuru Kotoba", Flow's first cover single, was released in January 2003. It remained on the Oricon indie chart for seven consecutive weeks and also hit an impressive #6 on the overall singles chart. In the spring of that year, their first full-scale album Splash!!! debuted at #2. In July 2003, Flow released the single "Blaster" on a major label, Ki/oon Records. In April 2004, they released "Go!!!", which stayed on the Oricon Top 10 Chart for three weeks. In May 2004, Flow released their first major album Game.
More about them, read here.

4. GO!!!
18. SIGN




Official Site: flow.mu

Social Empires Cheat + Gold & Cash Generator + More

Introducing a new and innovative cheat tool to aid you

on your favorite game using Social Empires Cheat Tool

Social Empires Gold and Cash Hack

 Proof that the Social Empires  Cheat Tool is working perfectly!

Social Empire Hack Download
Social Empire Hack Proof

Social Empires Cheat Tool Features:

  • Generate 9999999 Gold
  • Generate FREE CASH
  • Generate 999999 Wood
  • Generate 999999 Stone
  • and Absolutely Free

Technical Specifications:

  •  Auto connect to account, you don’t have to provide any email address for it to work, which is also safe for you.
  • Proxies are harvested and provided by the tool almost instantly to keep you anonymous.
  • Easy and pre-configured built-in script for the tool.
  • File NameSocial Empires Cheat Tool V1.02 + Generator.exe
  • File Size880.00 KB Uncompressed
  • File ID: b974cd4f99f9d9764810d60d24dfty

Download Mirrors:



Dragon City Hack and Cheats

 Dragon City Cheat Proof

dragon city 99999 hack proof
dragon city 99999 hack proof
Please Like before downloading, thank you

Dragon City Cheat Tool Features:

  • Generate Unlimited Gold
  • Generate Unlimited Food
  • Generate Unlimited Gems
  • Generate Unlimited Energy

Technical Specifications:

  •  Auto connect to account, you don’t have to provide any email address for it to work, which is also safe for you.
  • Proxies are harvested and provided by the tool almost instantly to keep you anonymous.
  • Easy and pre-configured built-in script for the tool.
  • File NameDragon City Cheat Tool 1.02
  • File Size648.00 KB Uncompressed
  • File ID: b974cd4f99f9d9764810d60d24dfty

Download Mirrors:

Please Like before downloading, thank you

>>>Download Mirror 1

Kamis, 20 September 2012

cheat social empire on facebook

cheat social empire on facebook

-charles proxy

  1. Open Charles Proxy.
  2. Enter Social Empire [Click to Play]
  3. In Charles, look for the line “http://dynamic.socialpoint.es/”
  4. Expand it and look for “srvempires/”
  5. Right click and select Breakpoints.
  6. Refresh the game.
  7. A breakpoint tab should appear. Press EXECUTE 3 times.
  8. Press the “Edit Response” tab
  9. Press RAW
  10. Now, search for cash, coins, exp, food, stone and wood and change them to 1,000,000 or any value that you want.
  11. Now, remove the breakpoint (Press the Red Hexagon icon or right click the srvempires/ and select Breakpoints again)
  12. Then press EXECUTE. The game will now load and you will have infinite resources
  13. Have fun.

Cheat Dragon City Hack Gem Permanent Terbaru Juli Agustus 2012

Cheat Dragon City Hack Gem Permanent Terbaru Juli Agustus 2012

Tools Cheat Dragon City Hack Gem :

Langkah Cheat Dragon City Gem Hack :

  1. Open it all (dragon city , charles)
  2. Collect Gold
  3. Find:
  4. http://dynamicdc.socialpointgames.com
  5. >dragoncity
  6. >web
  7. >srv
  8. Right Click on "packet.php?USERID=XXXXXXXXXXXXX" then click breakpoints
  9. Refresh the game (dont do anything ingame)
  10. Collect Money again then Breakpoints will appear
  11. Copy the Code from Notepad
  12. Highlight the code inside square brackets "[ ]" then paste your code from notepad (ctrl + v)
  13. Click Execute, then wait for charles to get error
  14. Refresh your game.
  15. Enjoy Games!

Senin, 17 September 2012


Moshi moshi~
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Moshi moshi minna san~~
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